Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Truth Tuesdays

How To Not Waste Your Life

Timing is everything, right? Sometimes. But more often, it's what you choose to do with your time that really counts. Here, we'll examine how to make the most of your limited time.

First and foremost, make an impact. Somewhere, anywhere. Create a legacy for yourself. Use your talents to the best of your ability and find a way to better the world for yourself and others. Remember, if your ambitions are only selfish, you will not be remembered. Those who make it a point to positively impact the planet will be rewarded.

Know when it's time to work, and when it's time to play. Rest is deserved, but only after you've made progress. Every moment you waste is one you can't get back. The world will not wait for you to get your shit together. The sooner you figure out where your time is best spent, the better off you will be.

With the exception of things you have to, don't do things you don't want to. The only exception to this is those of you that are content doing nothing - you're doing it wrong. But you should never embark on something expecting it to be a waste of your time, find something worthy of your effort instead. Trust your gut, you know what's right for you.

While it's important to find love, don't make that your sole goal in life. Love will find you when it's right. And the old adage holds true here, when you stop looking it will find you.

If you're intelligent, it is your obligation to breed. All of the stupid people crank out babies and enjoy their welfare. Darwin would be pissed if the smarter portion of the population doesn't make it a point to balance out the numbers.

Help others. A life without some self sacrifice for the greater good is a wasted one. Your time might mean more to someone else than it would to yourself. Everyone needs a helping hand sometime, don't be the person that never did anything for someone other than yourself.

Remember, all we're given is time, and it's never a finite amount that we're guaranteed. Don't procrastinate. Don't wait for life to hand you the life you think you deserve. Don't forget that nothing is promised. Make the best of what you have, and your life will be worthwhile.


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