Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Back On Schedule... Truth Tuesdays

in honor of NaNoWriMo, I thought we'd take today to talk about ambition. Kinda the alternative to last week's How Not To Waste Your Life, we'll call this....

How To Actually Do Something With Your Life

(no, it's not the same thing)

There's probably nothing on the planet I respect more than ambition, and for good reason. Ambition is the drive that makes you achieve things you didn't think were possible. These days, many people seem satisfied to not make big changes in their life to advance their situation... preferring to remain stagnant and placid. The problem with that? Our time is limited. I'm sure when you dreamed of your future as a kid, it didn't include working a job you hate to buy crap you don't need, right? So, how do we fix it?

First step, figure out what you want to do. I know, I make it seem so simple, when in reality, it's probably the biggest decision you'll make in your life. Take your time with this decision. You don't have to figure it out in high school (of course it would give you a head start if you did), but it's never too late to begin the life you intended to have. This requires research, and soul searching. Ideally, you find something that's a balance between a kick ass paycheck and what you love to do - and I promise you, something fits that category.

Once you figure it out, after however long that takes, you need a plan. I'm a big fan of having both a 5 and 10 year plan, allowing you to see the biggest picture, and also the steps involved in getting there. Break it all down, even if you have to analyze it down to every month. Be realistic about your goals when framing your time, so you aren't disappointed and discouraged. Ideally, this will enable you to see what you're supposed to be doing right now. Here's the big part - start doing it. Even if you encounter setbacks, and you definitely will, the most important thing is to consider the end game. Revise your plans as needed, but never give up. And never sit around waiting for it to be a better time to start. The time to start is now. NO EXCUSES. Seriously.

For most people, the plan will probably include some variety of education. Whether that's a 40 hour certificate program, or a 8 year degree, it won't do you any good to wait to start. Sometimes you have to make steps to be able to begin, that's OK - as long as your progressing. Don't forget, the journey matters just as much as the destination. Don't blindly follow your plan without assessing your current standpoint on a regular basis - you don't wanna wake up one day and realize you paid for a degree for something you actually hate doing. Practical test drive experience in the field you're considering is one of the best methods to avoid this. The most important part, DO NOT GET AN EDUCATION IN SOMETHING YOU DON'T WANNA DO. This seems obvious, right? I'm speaking to those of you that have a parent that says something like, "I'll pay for your college education - but only if you become a blah blah blah". If that's not what you wanna do - don't. Bottom line. You don't need them to pay for it, and you will absolutely waste your life if you live according to someone else's standard of success.

Maybe getting educated has never really been your thing. And that's okay. While an education will absolutely open more doors for you, it's not the only thing that matters. I go back to that word ambition here - you can find an alternative that works for you. If you're skipping the school part, figure out your talents and how to maximize them. This will probably involve starting your own business. And while that's far riskier, the rewards are also much greater. If you're crafty or love vintage, consider starting an online store for your goods. If you're a massive pothead, move to a medical marijuana state and open a head shop. Regardless of what you do, there's something that will fit your interests that you can get paid to do. Promise.

Now stop bullshitting around the internet and go do something with your life!


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