Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How To Lead Someone On Without Speaking To Them ~ Truth Tuesdays

In a few easy steps and maneuvers, you can easily string someone along far past the shelf life of the relationship. Similar to placing food in the freezer, there are acceptable methods to avoid freezer burn and if done properly can effectively last years.

First and most importantly, under no circumstances are you to have any kind of closure conversation. Pawn this conversation off on your friends, procrastinate, delete them via social networking... but avoid, avoid, AVOID. Once that line is crossed, they'll most likely move on with their lives. If you never erase the possibility, it never goes away. If you share mutual friends, don't make them choose sides... if they still talk- you can find out information about them to use to your advantage.

Feel free to chase this with a Facebook poke every year, for reminders, if you plan to drag it out a few years. Unless they delete their account, and then you'll have to track them down on some other assorted internet they use, and that's just kinda creepy - which brings us to our next point : in order to properly lead them on, you can't remove all contact. You don't want to be entirely forgotten. You should reappear occasionally for brief intervals, and always leave before they do... it properly builds the pattern, and creates wonder. Ideally find a way to push their buttons and make them jealous during these times, it reminds them their feelings aren't gone. If you had a legitimate connection, you will be able to manipulate these moments to your advantage, all without saying a word.

Once you've established that you aren't going to speak to them, but aren't scared to deliberately show up where they are, you have to completely throw them off their game - they're entirely too used to the procedure. Here would be a fantastic time to make exactly one comment to them - make sure it's cryptic enough to baffle them long enough for you to escape the area. Leave them confused, and leave them lingering. Ideally, make as much of an impact as possible in the shortest amount of time.

The next time you see them, they'll be on edge, unsure of what you're going to do. Play this up as long as possible, back to the silence. An obscene hand gesture or overly close proximity well placed over your occasional appearances maintain the level of curiosity and interest. A look or a smile here and there does many great things, but warning - if they've known you for years, they might very well be acquainted with your facial expressions, so have your poker face in check. You wouldn't want them to catch onto the game too soon, and if they can read you like an open book - it might be better to keep your eyes to yourself so they don't figure it out. This is especially true if there's something specific you don't want them to be aware of - keep your soul windows closed.

As with any variety of leading someone on, at some point you should decide your endgame. The usual choices presented are: destroy their hope and break their heart all over again, make like a coward and vanish, fuck one more time, or get back together. You'll probably figure out which one you'd prefer along the ride.


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