Friday, April 12, 2013

A Lesson in Absurdity

Believe it or not, there's some REALLY stupid laws in this country. Not regular stupid, but like super extra special stupid. STILL ON THE BOOKS.

Illegal to have Christmas decorations up after January 14th. (Maine)
Illegal for a man to buy drinks for more than 3 people at a time. (Nevada)
Once convicted of drunk driving, you can never have personalized plates. (New Jersey)
A pickle is not officially a pickle unless it bounces. (Connecticut)
You must be 18 years old to play a pinball machine. (South Carolina)
There is a $500 fine for asking a pizza delivery driver to deliver a pizza to a friend unknowingly. (Louisiana)
Illegal to own more than 2 dildos. (Arizona)
Illegal for fire trucks to go over 25 mph, at any time. (Parts of Connecticut)
Illegal to gossip or talk behind someone's back. (Indiana)
Illegal to play the fiddle. (Boston, Massachusetts)
You can be sued by a robber who is injured while in your house. (Michigan)
Illegal to frown at a policeman. (New Jersey)
Illegal to sing off-key. (North Carolina)
Illegal to wear shoes to bed. (North Dakota)
Must have a permit to wear makeup. (Morrisville, Pennsylvannia)
Illegal for a woman to wear "body hugging clothes" on the street. (New York)
Illegal for idiots or lunatics to get married. (Rhode Island)
Illegal to possess the Encyclopedia Brittanica. (Texas)
Drinking and dancing cannot be held in the same place. (Lynden, Washington)
Illegal to worry a squirrel. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Masks may not be worn in public. (Alabama)
Doors of all public buildings must open outwards. (Florida)
Adultery is still illegal. (New York)
Against the law for a man to knit during the fishing season. (New Jersey)
Illegal to tap your feet, nod your head or otherwise keep time to music in any restaurant, tavern or cafe. (New Hampshire)
Criminals must give their victims 24 hour notice, orally or in writing, and explain the nature of the crime to be committed. (Texas)
You may only have one alcoholic drink in front of you at a time. (Hawaii)
Women may not wear pants. (Tucson, Arizona)
All sex toys are illegal. (Georgia)
Illegal to talk to someone on an elevator. (New York)
Illegal to change clothes in your car. (Delaware)
Illegal to ride a merry-go-round on a Sunday. (Idaho)
If two trains meet on the same track, neither shall proceed until the other has passed. (Kansas)

I could keep going. There are literally thousands of these. Most of which aren't helping anyone from being hurt, and some of them actually hurt people. So considering the ways your rights are absurdly infringed without any possible good coming from it, does it really seem so ridiculous to ask you to pass a background check before buying a gun? Yea, not so much.


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