Monday, April 8, 2013

Tough Love

Good morning, lads and lasses! I'm in an exceptionally good mood so far today, so I thought now might be a good time to discuss that I don't hate everything. I know it might legitimately seem that way, since I'm forever calling you idiots and lecturing you, but it's much more complicated than that. For the most part, I love people. They're forever different from one another and interesting in a unique way. I just don't like when people act like idiots.

So here's the thing, sure, I call you stupid. But mostly because, you have friends to coddle you and tell you how you're making all the right decisions and blah blah. But we all need some tough love and a reminder to be better than we are. Some people aren't lucky enough to have a friend that knows the appropriate time to for either support or skepticism. (Shoutout - ALA!<3) So mostly, I like to think the best thing I can do for you as a psuedo friend is offer the support of reminding you that you're not nearly as omnipresent as you think.

I want the best for all of you, really truly. But in my assorted watching, I see some of you making mistakes that are kinda obvious to me. Maybe no one is telling you it's a mistake. Someone needs to be. And if that means I have to play the villain, well, I'm kinda used to that.

Don't take it personally that I belabor the point that you're probably doing it wrong. Maybe marinate on your decisions a little longer so you have the piece of mind that what I'm saying no longer applies to you. But if you're under the impression that at some point I'm going to simply babble vapid encouragement, you're out of your fucking mind. Just because I'm a touch jaded doesn't mean I'm not totally right.

Besides, most of the time I have no idea what I'm doing, so you can probably learn from me, regardless. A solid half of my decisions are a guideline on What Not To Do, and I'm okay with that. I'd rather make a mistake than a regret, and all in all that's been going pretty okay for me. Either way, the point is that I know you're all good people, and maybe a little lost. And if I can be even vaguely a compass for someone struggling, that's all I can really ask for.

So yea, I don't hate you guys, in case you were wondering. Nothing but love, always.



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