Friday, April 5, 2013

Ten Years & What The Hell Are Your Plans?

Ten years seems like so much time, right? It's really not. I won't go off on the side note of explaining how your time is not infinite, cuz I'm pretty sure we've covered that already. Hopefully, you did your homework and know where you wanna be in ten years. I'm here to explain how you can actually get there.

First of all, if you said something along the lines of, "I wanna be a millionaire and have 7 homes and 12 cars and blah blah blah."- start over. Seriously. You can plan for success, but attempting to put a dollar amount on your success is absurd. Moving on, the trick to this is breaking it down. Make a list of the 10 year older version of yourself and assess the differences. If any of those have a standard dictated time frame, note that. If they require money in a pretty obvious denomination, note that too. Now work your way backwards. Continue to work backwards, breaking everything down into individual tasks, until you get to now.

You'll probably end up realizing that there's a bunch of things you're supposed to be doing now that you aren't. Adjust your behavior. But remember, a 10 year plan is just a plan. Plans change. Things change. You may want different things down the line. Generally, I suggest then making a separate 5 year and 1 year plan, and seeing exactly where the crossovers are, because that's generally the things you really care about that made the list. Don't plan the obvious shit like babies and so on, because that all happens when it's supposed to happen, and unless you're reproductively challenged it shouldn't be a consideration.

If you're sitting there thinking, "Why the hell should I bother? That sounds like too much work. Ain't nobody got time for that."- I have a reminder for you. When you're old as fuck and too tired to walk to your car, don't whine that your bucket list looks exactly the same as it did when you were 20. You can thank me later :)


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