Thursday, April 18, 2013

Me, Myself & I

I really try not to use this blog to talk about myself, but overall I'm just not feeling it this week, so frankly, I'll do whatever the fuck I want on here, since ya know - it's mine.

It's funny cuz it's not like I have writer's block. I'm forever plagued by writer's block. This isn't one of those times. Which is exceptionally weird for me, but really my biggest issue with writing lately is my extremely uncomfortable computer chair. And for me, that's saying a lot.

So why have I basically dodged doing any kind of actual content here this week? Mostly cuz I've been working on other projects. Substantial projects, the kind that give you actually interesting things and in more than bite sized pieces. I suppose also for the most part, I haven't seen many of you doing exceptionally stupid things this week. Sure, there's other stuff I plan to write about here, but none of it is currently resonating with me.

I'm breaking my own rule here, writing about nothing for the sake of showing up here and putting my fingers to the keyboard. Mostly cuz I want you to know, whatever- it's a bad week. That's not an indication of anything except that I'm female and feeling a bit moody and a touch uninspired. I've quit before, and just so we're clear, that's not what this is.

I'd get a bit more into it and explain why my other projects are draining the creative out before I ever get around to conceptualizing something valid for here, but that will be revealed in due time. I'm not talking about it cuz I have a tendency to jinx myself when I get something going on the kind of hot streak I'm on with it right now, so in the interest of finishing what I start... I'll let you know when I'm ready.

Hope you're having a good week.


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