Monday, March 25, 2013

And then life gets in the way...

It's been a hectic few days. I'm trying to get over here, but when I'm busy I'm not exactly being inspired. Here's the thing, if you're anything like me, trying to complete multiple projects at once requires a certain degree of organization. Personally, I find that everything functions better when you know where everything is that you need, and then you don't waste time hunting.

So on that note, here's a few tips for your multi media mogul status to keep you productive:

1) You must have a to do list. It should be saved in the cloud and also ideally a paper version, if you get that self satisfied feeling from crossing things off like I do. Plus no worries if say, the internet goes down while you're working. Bonus points if you sort the to do list by priority.
2) Your computer files should be organized. Ridiculously, if you're me. Folders within folders and sorted and so on until you don't even have to think to find what you need.
3) Everything should have a home. Projects should not migrate from room to room. You should have an organized work space, preferably as far away from a TV or other distractions as possible.
4) Speaking of home, get your house organized. Eliminate superfluous prep time for everything non-workish that sucks time out of whatever you'd like to be working on. Closets especially, I like to keep mine sorted by item in color order. You should also not have piles of papers anywhere. If you're old enough to have bills, you're old enough to keep all that stuff organized so you can find it when you need it. There should be no, "where the hell is my social security card? I need it in an hour."
5) Anything you're not interested in losing should be backed up somewhere. Imagine your house is on fire. What are you going to lose that's irreplaceable? Make sure these things are safely saved on the internet somewhere.

And that's pretty much the idea - list/prioritize, organize, backup. It'll make your life a whole lot easier when you can seamlessly move from task to task without the "what the hell am I doing?" hesitation. I can't help you keep track of the remote, though.


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