Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Marriage Equality

I'm going to take a moment to touch on this while my child is occupied watching youtube videos, since it's everywhere right now.

Here's the thing, one of the biggest arguments against same sex marriage is defending the institution of marriage. But when you consider the facts - that they have a lower divorce rate than the 50% of traditional marriages, isn't that just improving the sanctity of marriage? I barely even believe in marriage to begin with, but we really gotta stop trying to tell other people how to live their lives. If straight couples can go to Vegas and get married by fake Elvis to someone they've known for an hour, it's kinda insane to act like marriage is some sacred thing that everyone takes so, so seriously. Marriage is supposed to be about love, and the nerve of people to tell you who you can and cannot love is simply barbaric. Live your own life, stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, and let them do whatever they want if they aren't hurting anyone.

Liberty for all, remember?
Oh, plus that whole separation of church and state thing, for those of you religiously opposed. (Tip: Remember that whole 'he without sin cast the first stone', thing? Maybe when your church officials aren't child molesters we'll take your opinions a bit more seriously.)

Anyone that gets married has pretty decent odds to contend with that they'll wind up getting divorced. So let's just stop acting like marriage is one of the 7 Wonders of the World and gays are trying to piss on the museum of life experiences by wanting to throw a party, sign a piece of paper and get some sparkly new jewelry.

Mostly though, stop being a bigot. It's not cute.


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