Thursday, March 14, 2013

Productivity & Such

I'm a procrastinator and a perfectionist. This is about the most limiting and absurd combination of traits to have when it comes to everything I do, but these things are ingrained in my nature by now, so it is what it is. I have a hard time following through on what I start, mostly because I either get behind the 8 ball of overwhelming to do's or because I can't get something just right to the iota and get frustrated and give up. I'm persistent though, so I always end up coming back to the same thing, the same projects, and eventually, I find the balance.

As some of you may or may not know, I recently bought an iPad. (Yay tax return!) I did this with the sole intention of using it majorly to have a convenient way to process all of my follow through. I disregarded the bulk of the social apps, and use it as the home base for making myself get busy with all the things I'd like to be doing. Which is easier said than done, of course, but yet here we are so obviously I'm doing something right. (That could be entirely related to how much I miss writing, but I digress.)

I've posted on this before, the finding ways to accomplish what you want to do with your life. You need a plan, you need to stick to what you planned, and you need to hold yourself accountable when you don't follow your own plan. I'm good at most of this, most of the time. As much as I'd like to claim that I woke up today and knew I had to kick myself in the ass and get back to business, that's not exactly what happened. Really, I went and checked my to do list and saw the self assigned due dates passing me by and I can't live with that anymore. I have so much to say, and writer's block be damned, I will find a way.

And this way is mostly thanks to the App Store, for having such thoroughly enticing apps designed to help those of us who struggle with the follow through. Awesome Note, for example, houses my to do lists and everything else under the sun I need to complete the endless lists of tasks I make for myself. Evernote still holds its own, allowing me to save things for later, so when I have a bright idea in the less internetly enabled areas of my life, it's not lost forever. Unstuck is quickly becoming a favorite, cuz well, I have a habit of getting stuck.

I could thank the fellows over at Apple, or the people who continuously inspire me (I'm sure you know who you are) or even the people that doubt me. But I choose to thank myself. I'm out here, doing my thing, moving forward no matter what, whether or not I bother to get it all done, I know I'm trying.

And that, friends, is the point for today. If you aren't trying, the only person you have to blame is yourself. If you are trying, give yourself a pat on the back and maybe some well deserved playtime, if you feel inclined. But mostly just remember that today is today, and you are in charge of what you get done today.

No excuses, inaction is deadly.


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