Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Never Settle and other accurate cliches

Every day I see people doing the one thing I hate the most - settling. I can almost picture them saying to themselves, "it's not perfect. but it's okay, and it's something." Well guess what? That's not good enough. The biggest problem is that our whole lives we're conditioned to expect disappointment. Souls grow weary and desperate for anything bordering on fulfilling. The solutions are never easy, but first things first - adjust your expectations. Let's say you want something out of your reach, is your go to reaction to take the closest version of what you want that's attainable? That's settling. You know you deserve better. You know you could have better if you wait. So why downgrade your desires? No one ever reaches satisfaction by deciding that something is okay enough to substitute for what you really want.

There are two words you need to acquaint yourself with heavily if you expect to get exactly what you deserve - patience and persistence. Nothing good ever comes easy, you must stick with it, plan, and get your shit together enough that when the time comes you're ready. I understand that patience is hard for people, we especially live in a generation where we expect instant gratification. Again, adjust your expectations. There's a good chance that now is not the right time for what you want. Are you going to make life long decisions assuming you'll never have it? Not if you ever want to get what you want. You'll do the smart thing, and get your ducks in a row, and choose not to take what's good right now over what could be infinitely better.

If you find yourself settling, you need to stop and think about what it is that you really want. The ONLY time it's okay to downgrade is when you realize you've been fantasizing over something unattainable. Example: your whole life you've wanted a Lambo. While it's okay to plan for that, and try to make it happen, at some point you may have to crunch the numbers and realize that it's never going to happen. Guess what? Time to get a new dream. Some dreams like that are unavoidably just not realistic. Maybe you made mistakes along the way, but we all do. Don't waste your time on something you'll never have. And that choice is not settling, it's called growing up.


Justin Rocque said...

True that! However, not only should one not waste their time on something they'll never have, they should not waste their money on something they get but can't afford to keep such as a fancy car or big house. Sure, they may be able to "get it" but.. how long can they "keep it" before getting deep under the financial waters? In the end... it's best to downgrade like you said.

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